Bump Studios - Terms and conditions for CD and DVD Duplication and Replication
Bump Studios provides you access to this Web site containing information, software, and publications on the terms and conditions outlined below. By using this site, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Bump Studios reserves the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time in its sole discretion. For the purposes of this License, "you". "my" or "I" means the customer, an individual or a legal entity, and "We" and/or "The Seller" means us, Bump studios.
- I affirm that I have obtained all necessary copyright clearances (whether for music, software, cover graphics, sound samples, or any other intellectual property), have paid any and all relevant mechanical copyrights, and agree to indemnify and hold Bump Studios harmless, from any and all claims, demands, suits and proceedings regarding any copyright-infringement or related proceedings.
- I understand that Bump Studios is not a record label or software publisher, and that any use of any Bump Studios services does not imply that they are functioning as a label/publisher for any kind of release.
- For the purposes of any and all duplication and/or replication work, every effort shall be made by the seller to effect delivery in accordance with these terms and conditions but the seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising due to delay on delivery however caused.
- For the purposes of any and all REPLICATION work I understand that the final quantity produced will be within plus or minus 10% of the quantity ordered, and that I will pay for the exact quantity manufactured, within this 10% tolerance.
- For the purposes of any and all REPLICATION work I understand that Bump Studios may, at their discretion insert their company details, usually of the form 'www.bumpstudios.co.uk' onto the underside of all discs unless I request otherwise.
- For the purposes of any and all DUPLICATION work I understand that the final quantity produced will be to the exact amount of the order.
- For the purposes of any and all DUPLICATION work I understand that a particular brand of CD player may only play a particular brand of duplicated CD and due to compatibility variations, a guarantee cannot be given that a duplicate copy will play in every CD player or DVD machine.
- Hardcopy samples that are fully approved by you may count towards the final quantity requested.
- I understand that all goods and services remain the property of Bump Studios until complete payment of outstanding invoices.
- By sending of masters and other final materials implies that I have kept an exact safety copy of the audio or data masters, and a computerized or similar backup of all original artwork sent. I will not hold Bump Studios liable for any damage to or loss of materials.
- Unless I request otherwise, I authorise Bump Studios to retain my master disc(s), artwork and data/music discs, for the purpose of re-orders for up to two years from my previous order. I will not hold Bump Studios liable for any damage to or loss of materials.
- I understand that Bump Studios does not guarantee an exact colour match from computer/tv screen to actual printed product.
- I understand that Bump Studios are not responsible for typing errors anywhere on the final product.
- Upon receipt of delivered goods purchased from Bump Studios, I agree that I have up to seven (7) days to raise any queries with respect to damges, shortages or discrepencies relating to my order. After seven (7) days, I accept that I have received my goods to an acceptable standard of quality.
- I accept Bump Studios is not responsible for consequential damages (such as loss of potential revenue) due to errors on its part.
- I have full authority to act on behalf of the group / artist / company / software developer (if other than myself) for which Bump Studios will perform required services.
- For the offer of up to 2 hours free artwork and consultation for Duplication orders over £200, I understand that this offer does not apply to replication orders.
© 2025, Bump Studios.